The "jungle" I walk past in my daily commute. As I engage in my 5-minute walk back home, countless thoughts flourish amid fears of a shrinking end-of-month budget. The light rain that falls this evening brings the gentle music one needs to feel happy or sorrow. Umbrella up, leaps down the watered street, my body reflects on the asphalt mirror like a character from a noir movie: Humphrey Bogart or so, it only lacks the red-lip lady looking sneakily from a side porch. Life’s a movie then, you play your part, sad or thrilling, giving up on a happy ending. Hiking’s cheap, flying’s much better. So many places to see, you can’t help remembering that song, “So far away from me”. The year was 1979, maybe a little earlier, people rallied on the streets for democracy, there were still militaries everywhere, overseeing us, lecturing us on whatever they wished or thought they should. We strolled pass them and glanced at the armored cars, because thou